in wordpress you can create your widget in a simple manner, the process is so simple
given below the widget plugins name is “widget-test”. you can modified that as your need
Plugin Name: widget-test
##never forget this function configuration
##never forget add $before_widget,$before_title, $after_title and $after_widget
## example given below
function widget_test($args) {
echo $before_widget.$before_title."widget-Title".$after_title;
echo '<ul>'."n";
echo "text here";//call any function or print something that will be show in your widget contents
echo '</ul>'."n";
echo $after_widget;
###Widget initialize function
function widget_init() {
register_sidebar_widget(__('Widget Title'), 'widget_test');
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'widget_init')
7 Responses to “widget create in a miniute”
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